
Aanbieder van diensten:

WWS Wirtz, Walter, Schmitz GmbH
auditors and tax consultants

Wilhelm-Strauß-Straße 45-47,
41236 Mönchengladbach

Tel.: 0049 2166 971-0
Fax: 0049 2166 971-200

"Amtsgericht" [local court] is Mönchengladbach, Germany
Company registration number: HRB 2267
UST-Id-No.: DE 120829411

The executive partners of WWS are:

Stefan Bette (Dipl.-Kfm., WP, StB)
Matthias Gehlen (B. A., WP, StB)
Rolf Germund (Dipl.-Ing.agr., WP, StB)
Dr. Axel Knoth (Dipl.-Kfm., WP, StB)
Torsten Lambertz (Dipl.-Kfm., WP, StB)
Sebastian Loosen (Dipl.-Kfm., WP, StB)
Udo Post (Dipl.-Kfm., WP, StB)
Stefan Rattay (Dipl.-Finanzwirt [FH], StB)
Marco Schmedt (Dipl.-Finanzwirt [FH], WP, StB)
Dr. Stephanie Thomas (RA, StB, FAStR)

Editorial contact:
Stefan Rattay

Sebastian Loosen


  • Accountants and auditors
  • Tax consultants

These legal job titles were awarded in Germany.

In the course of our activities we obey the following professional codes:

  • concerning tax advisor law (Steuerberatungsgesetz)
  • the implementing decree to the tax advisor law (Durchführungsverordnung zum Steuerberatungsgesetz)
  • the professional directive of the Bundessteuerberaterkammer (German Federation of Tax Consultants)(Berufsordnung der Bundessteuerberaterkammer (BStBK))
  • the tax consultancy fee regulations (Steuerberatergebührenverordnung)

You can obtain these documents from the website.

  • Auditor Law (Wirtschaftsprüferordnung)
  • Professional code for auditors and certified accountants (Berufssatzung für Wirtschaftsprüfer und vereidigte Buchprüfer (BS WP/vBP)
  • Quality control code (Satzung für Qualitätskontrolle)
  • Seal VO (Siegel VO)
  • Auditor-professional liability code (Wirtschaftsprüfer-Berufshaftpflicht- versicherungsverordnung (WPBHV))

You can view these documents on the website.

Additional service provider:
Wirtz, Walter, Schmitz und Partner mbB

auditors, tax consultants, attorney

Wilhelm-Strauß-Straße 45-47
D 41236 Mönchengladbach
Tel.: 0049 2166 971-0
Fax: 0049 2166 971-123

"Amtsgericht" [local court] is Essen, Germany
Partnership registration number: PR 455

Managing partners of the partnership:

Stefan Bette (Dipl.-Kfm., WP, StB)
Matthias Gehlen (B. A., WP, StB)
Dr. Axel Knoth (Dipl.-Kfm. WP, StB)
Torsten Lambertz (Dipl.-Kfm., WP, StB)
Sebastian Loosen (Dipl.-Kfm., WP, StB)
Rolf Milla (RA)
Udo Post (Dipl.-Kfm., WP, StB)
Stefan Rattay (Dipl.-Finanzwirt  [FH], StB)
Marco Schmedt (Dipl.-Finanzwirt  [FH], WP, StB)
Dr. Stephanie Thomas (RA, StB, FAStR)

We use the "General Engagement Terms for German Public Auditors and Public Audit Firms" (download PDF).


  • legal advising
  • tax consultants
  • accountants and auditors

In the course of our activities we observe the following professional codes (see above WWS) as well as:

  • German federal regulations governing attorneys (Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO))
  • Law governing the profession for attorneys (Berufsordnung für Rechtsanwälte (BORA))
  • Law governing legal speciality areas (Fachanwaltsordnung (FAO))
  • German federal fee regulations for attorneys (Bundesgebührenordnung für Rechtsanwälte (BRAGO))
  • Professional regulations for attorneys at law in the European Union

You can view these documents on the website.

Professional Associations for all Companies:
Member of the Düsseldorf Tax Consultants Association
Grafenberger Allee 98
40237 Düsseldorf

Member of the Berlin Association of Auditors
Rauchstraße 26
10787 Berlin

Düsseldorf Bar Association (Rechtsanwaltskammer Düsseldorf)
Freiligrathstraße 25
40479 Düsseldorf

Our liability insurer:

HDI-Gerling Firmen und Privat Vers. AG
Postfach 102464
50464 Köln

The insurance applies to Germany.


Liability for content

The contents of these pages were created with great care. We cannot take any responsibility for the accuracy, completeness and topicality of the content. As a service provider, we are responsible, according to § 7 paragraph 1 of TMG for the content on this site under the general laws. According to § § 8 to 10 TMG, we as service providers are, however, not obliged to monitor the transmitted or stored information, nor to investigate circumstances that indicate illegal activity. Obligations to remove or block the use of information under the general laws remain unaffected. Such a liability is only possible from the date of knowledge of a specific infringement. Upon notification of such violations, we will remove the content immediately.

All offers are subject to change and non-binding. Parts of the pages or the complete publication including all offers and information might be supplemented, changed or partly or completely deleted by the owner without separate announcement.

Liability for links

Our site contains links to external, third-party websites over which we have no control. We can therefore provide no liability for this external content. Responsibility for the contents of the linked sites always lies with the respective provider or operator of such sites. The linked sites were checked at the time of linking for possible violations of law. Illegal contents were not recognisable at the time of linking. Permanent control of the linked sites is not reasonable without concrete evidence of a violation. Upon notification of such violations, we will remove the content immediately.


The contents and materials on these pages created by the operator of the page are subject to German copyright. Duplication, processing, distribution and any kind of utilisation outside the boundaries of the copyright require the written agreement of the respective author or creator. Downloads and copies are permitted only for private, non-commercial use. Insofar as the content on this site is not created by the operator, the property rights of third parties are observed. In particular, third party content is indicated as such. Should you become aware of copyright infringement, we ask for a hint. Upon notification of such violations, we will remove the content immediately.

Data Protection

The use of our website is usually possible without providing personal information. To the extent that personal data (e.g. name, address or email-addresses) are published in our pages, these have been indicated voluntarily, as far as this is under our control. In accordance with German privacy laws, specifically the Digitale-Dienste-Gesetz (DDG) and the Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG), we will not share your personal information with third parties without your consent.

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Design & Realisation


Tel.: 0049 2166 971-0
Fax: 0049 2166 971-200